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Sample of Personal Statement for Chevening Scholarship

In order to be eligible for a Chevening scholarship, you will require to submit a personal statement that tells us about your unique experience and why you are the best applicant for the program. This guide will show you how to write a personal statement for the Chevening scholarship that will help you stand out from the rest & potentially earn yourself a scholarship.

You can also apply for these Scholarships


I am a recent graduate of a 4-year university. I have participated in several extracurricular activities, including involvement with a applicant-run charity that helps underprivileged children. I also suggested my time to teach young children how to read and write. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, & spending time with my family. I am confident that I have the qualities and experiences that will make me an excellent applicant for the Chevening Scholarship program.


As a student, I have always been an avid eager. It is through my love of reading that I have developed an interest in international current affairs. I am also confident that this interest will benefit me as I pursue a career in diplomacy.

My time spent at university has also given me the ocassions to develop strong leadership skills. As president of my student government, I was able to successfully lobby for funding & bring about change on campus. This experience has taught me how to work effectively with others & develop comprehensive plans. In addition, I have worked as a suggested tutor for disadvantaged youth and as a member of Amnesty International USA’s board of directors. These experiences have shown me how to be fervently engaged in my community & how to contribute positively to society.

I am very confident that my background in international affairs and my leadership skills will make me a valuable asset to any organization. If chosen for the Chevening Scholarship, I would devote myself completely to completing the program & contributing to British diplomacy.

Work Experience

I have had experience working in a variety of many environments both in the UK and abroad. I have worked as a barista, a customer service representative, & most recently as a marketing manager. I have gained experience working with a diverse range of clients and developed strong interpersonal skills. This has given me an insight into how businesses work and has armed me with the knowledge to carry out effective marketing programs.

Activities & Hobbies

When I’m not studying or working, I enjoy spending time outdoors hiking, biking, & camping. I also enjoy playing the violin

Sample Personal Statement for a Fullbright Scholarship

I am highly agitated to be applying for the Fulbright Scholarship. I have been involved in international suggest work since high school and have always been interested in learning more about other cultures. I believe that this program will allow me to gain invaluable experience and knowledge in many parts of the world. I am confident that my skills and experiences will benefit my academic career & future travel plans. Thanks for considering me for this award!

reading. In my free time, I like to cook and experiment with new recipes.

Community Service

In my community service experience, I have worked with a wide variety of organizations & communities. I have always been motivated to give back to my community, and this has been favored by my experiences in community service.

I have found that working with many organizations gives me a better understanding of the needs of my community and the ways in which I can help meet those requirements. My most recent experience was working with a destitute shelter. During my time there, I learned about the challenges facing destitute individuals and how I could help make a difference.

I am very confident that my experiences in community service will help me to be successful as a scholar at the Chevening Scholarship Program. In addition, my skills in communication, problem-solving, and leadership would be valuable assets in any organization & community.

Sample of Personal Statement for Chevening Scholarship

In order to be competitive for a Chevening Scholarship, it is fundamental to have a strong personal statement. This document should demonstrate your writing skills, your dedication to international affairs, & your passion for global travel. Here is an example for you of a personal statement for a Chevening Scholarship:

I am extremely passionate about international current affairs and the opportunities that travel provides for understanding several cultures. I have traveled extensively throughout Africa & Asia, and I hope to continue exploring new parts of the world through scholarship programs like the Chevening Scholarship. I am very confident that my experiences and interests will contribute invaluably to my academic achievements and future career ambition. Thanks for considering me for this award!