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UNDP Paid Internship Program 2023-24

Looking for a valuable experience to complement your studies and are passionate about world development? Look no further than the UNDP Paid Internship Program 2023-24! As an intern, you’ll have the chance to learn about leading development programs and gain hands-on experience in issues related to global poverty eradication and sustainable development.

The program offers attractive paid positions in several areas and accepts students and recent graduates from diverse fields of knowledge. Interns can perform various responsibilities, such as research, writing, organizing events, and publishing knowledge stories. The length of the internship depends on the candidate’s qualifications and the UN’s needs. Apply now and contribute to a better future for humanity!

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About UNDP Paid Internship Program 2023-24

  • Host Organization: United Nation Development Program
  • Program Locations: UNDP Country Offices, at Regional Hubs or Headquarters in New York.
  • Internship Type: Full-time/Part-time (Paid)
  • Eligibility: All Countries
  • Deadline: Varies


Types of UNDP Paid Internship Program 2023-24

Policy and Programme Internship:

  • Research and analysis: Support UNDP staff in conducting research and analysis on various development topics.
  • Project implementation: Assist with project management, monitoring, and evaluation activities to ensure that projects are implemented effectively.
  • Policy and strategy: Learn about UNDP’s development policies and strategies, and contribute to the development of new policies and strategies.
  • Capacity building: Participate in training and capacity-building activities to improve your skills and knowledge.

Communications and Advocacy Internship:

  • Communication strategy: Assist with the development and implementation of communication strategies to promote UNDP’s work.
  • Content creation: Help create content for various channels, such as social media, websites, and newsletters.
  • Media Relations: Support UNDP’s media relations efforts by drafting press releases and responding to media inquiries.
  • Event management: Assist with the planning and execution of events, such as conferences, workshops, and webinars.

Operations and Management Internship:

  • Finance: Assist with budget preparation, financial reporting, and expenditure monitoring.
  • Human resources: Support the recruitment process, assist with performance evaluations, and help develop policies and procedures.
  • Procurement: Learn about procurement processes and assist with the procurement of goods and services.
  • Logistics: Support the management of inventory, equipment, and supplies needed to support UNDP’s work.

Preparation for UNDP Paid Internship Program 2023-24

Preparing for a UNDP internship can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

Preparing for the Internship:

  • Research UNDP: Learn about UNDP’s mission, vision, and values, and familiarize yourself with the organization’s work.
  • Update your skills: Identify any skills that you may need to develop for the internship, and consider taking courses or workshops to improve your skills.
  • Network: Reach out to current or former UNDP interns, employees or individuals in your field of interest to get insights and advice.

Setting Goals:

  • Identify your goals: Think about what you hope to achieve during the internship, such as learning new skills, gaining practical experience, or making connections.
  • Set realistic expectations: Consider the duration and scope of the internship and set achievable goals that align with the role.

Expectations from Internship:

  • Take initiative: Show enthusiasm and initiative by taking on tasks and responsibilities assigned to you.
  • Seek feedback: Ask for regular feedback on your performance, and use this feedback to improve your work.
  • Be open to learning: Keep an open mind and be willing to learn from your colleagues and the experience.

Dress Code:

  • Professional attire: Dress professionally for work, as you would in any other workplace setting. Make sure your attire is clean, neat, and appropriate for your role.

Arrival and Orientation:

  • Be on time: Arrive on time for your first day and subsequent meetings.
  • Attend orientation: Attend any orientation or training sessions provided to familiarize yourself with the organization and the work.
  • Be prepared: Bring any necessary documents or materials, such as identification or a laptop, on your first day.

By preparing well for your internship, setting goals, understanding expectations, following the dress code, and arriving on time, you can make the most out of your experience and achieve your goals.

During the UNDP Internship

During a UNDP internship, you will have various roles and responsibilities, learning opportunities, and chances for professional development. Here are some key aspects to keep in mind:

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Support UNDP staff in their work and tasks, and take on responsibilities assigned to you.
  • Follow instructions and guidelines provided by your supervisor, and communicate any concerns or questions.

Learning Opportunities:

  • Learn about UNDP’s work and the development sector, and gain practical experience in various areas.
  • Attend training sessions, meetings, and events, and participate in team discussions.


  • Meet and connect with colleagues, supervisors, and other interns, and build your professional network.
  • Attend networking events and participate in UNDP activities to broaden your exposure and connections.

Professional Development:

  • Seek feedback on your performance, and use it to improve your work.
  • Take initiative and show a willingness to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities.
  • Identify opportunities for professional development, such as training or mentorship, and discuss them with your supervisor.

Project Management:

  • Assist with project management tasks, such as monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.
  • Participate in team meetings, and contribute ideas and suggestions to improve project implementation.
  • Work collaboratively with other team members, and communicate effectively to ensure project success.

Performance Evaluation:

  • UNDP conducts periodic performance evaluations during the internship, so use this opportunity to learn about your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Set goals and objectives with your supervisor, and work towards achieving them.
  • Show initiative, willingness to learn, and a positive attitude towards your work, as this can impact your performance evaluation.

By keeping these aspects in mind and actively participating in your internship, you can gain valuable experience, build your professional network, and develop your skills for a future career in development.

Benefits of UNDP Internship Program

  • UNDP interns receive a monthly stipend to cover internship expenses
  • Stipend amounts vary based on duty station
  • Interns may be assigned to UNDP or the UN system in the future
  • Financial aid may be available from nominating institutions or the government

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants from all over the world are welcome to apply
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a graduate program, have earned a second university degree, or be in their final year of their first university degree
  • Fluency in at least one of UNDP’s three working languages (English, French, or Spanish) is required
  • Knowledge of Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, or another Eastern European language is beneficial
  • Candidates must demonstrate relevance to UNDP programs
  • Candidates must be at least 18 years old at the time of application
  • Ability to work effectively with people from diverse linguistic, national, and cultural backgrounds is essential

Hope that helps!


Just a heads up – the application deadline for the UNDP internship varies depending on the internship program. It’s always a good idea to check the specific deadline for the program you’re interested in, so you don’t miss out on the opportunity. Don’t wait too long to apply!

How To Apply!

  • Go to the UNDP website and navigate to the Job Section.
  • Select an area of interest from the internship opportunities listed.
  • Click on “Apply” and follow the instructions to complete your application.
  • Make sure to note the specific deadline for the internship program you’re interested in, as they may vary.
  • If you’re interested in applying for more than one program, you’ll need to register separately for each one.

Remember, the UNDP Internship Program is a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in international development, so don’t hesitate to apply and best of luck with your application!

Apply Now 

Official Website

UNDP Internship Program FAQs

  1. What is the duration of the UNDP Internship Program? The UNDP Internship Program typically lasts for a period of 6 months to 1 year, depending on the specific internship position and the availability of the intern.

  2. Is the UNDP Internship Program paid? The UNDP Internship Program is not a paid program. However, the UNDP may provide a stipend to help cover basic living expenses, depending on the location of the internship and other factors.

  3. Can I apply for the UNDP Internship Program if I am not a student? The UNDP Internship Program is primarily designed for students or recent graduates who are pursuing or have completed a degree in a relevant field. However, some positions may be open to individuals who have not recently graduated, as long as they meet the other requirements for the position.

  4. What is the deadline to apply for the UNDP Internship Program? The deadline to apply for the UNDP Internship Program varies depending on the specific internship position and location. Candidates are encouraged to check the UNDP website regularly for updates on available positions and application deadlines.

  5. How many interns does the UNDP accept each year? The number of interns accepted by the UNDP each year varies depending on the availability of positions and other factors. However, the UNDP typically accepts a significant number of interns each year across various departments and locations.

  6. Can I choose which department I want to work in during my internship? Candidates can indicate their preferred department or area of focus when applying for the UNDP Internship Program. However, final placement will be determined based on the candidate’s qualifications, availability of positions, and other factors.

  7. Will I receive a certificate after completing my internship with UNDP? Interns who successfully complete their internship with UNDP will receive a certificate of completion, which can be a valuable addition to their resume or CV.

  8. Can I apply for multiple positions at the same time? Candidates can apply for multiple positions at the same time, as long as they meet the qualifications and requirements for each position. However, it is important to note that the application process for each position may vary and require different materials, such as a cover letter or writing sample.